Level Up Your Pickleball: How to Master The "Erne"

How to do an erne in pickleball

Level Up Your Pickleball: Master The "Erne"

In the world of pickleball where strategy meets skill and creates epic rallies, advanced players are always looking for ways to outsmart their opponents. Enter the “Erne” a shot so bold and brazen it’s named after the legendary Erne Perry who brought it into the competitive game.

What is the Erne?

The Erne is not your run of the mill pickleball shot. It’s a crazy shot that involves hitting the ball while:

  • Airborne: Jumping and twisting around the non-volley zone (the kitchen) to get to a ball that seems impossible to reach.
  • Re-establishing: Running or diving outside the kitchen, stepping out of bounds for a split second and then re-establishing your feet to hit the ball with power and accuracy.

This shot requires athleticism, timing and a bit of guts. But when done right it will leave your opponents stunned and scrambling to react.

The Strategy of the Erne

The Erne is more than just a showstopper; it’s a strategic play that can change the momentum of the match.

  • Pressure Cooker: The Erne puts so much pressure on your opponents. They have to react quickly and hit a perfect shot to counter your attack and often make unforced errors.
  • Distraction and Deception: The Erne is a visual spectacle that draws your opponents attention away from the ball and towards your acrobatic movements. This momentary distraction can throw them off and create openings for you to exploit.
  • Unpredictability: The Erne is a surprise weapon that keeps your opponents guessing. Its sudden and unexpected nature can throw them off their game and make them react instinctively rather than strategically.

How to Execute the Erne

While the Erne may seem intimidating, it can be learned with practice and understanding of the mechanics.

  1. Set Up: The first step is to create the opportunity for an Erne. Get your opponents to hit the ball to the sideline you want to attack. This often happens when they let the ball drop behind them near the kitchen line, close to the desired sideline.
  2. Timing is Everything: The key to a successful Erne is timing. Wait until your opponents have committed to their shot, just before they hit the ball. This will disguise your intentions and give you the element of surprise.
  3. The Move: Once your opponents have initiated their shot, it’s time to make your move. Depending on the situation you can:
    • Jump: If the ball is within reach, jump into the air, twist around the kitchen line to get to the ball. Remember to re-establish both feet outside the kitchen before hitting the ball or it will be a fault.
    • Run or Dive: If the ball is further away, run or dive outside the kitchen line, make sure to re-establish your feet outside the boundary before hitting the ball.

The Rules: Re-establishing

Remember any contact with the non-volley zone while volleying the ball is a fault. This includes your swing, follow through and any momentum that carries you into the zone. So make sure to re-establish both feet outside the kitchen before you hit the Erne. You can jump over the kitchen but don’t touch the line or any part of the zone.

The Erne: Pickleball Coolness

The Erne is more than just a shot; it’s a symbol of pickleball coolness. It’s athleticism, strategy and pushing the limits of the game. Not a shot to be done recklessly but when done with precision and panache it can be a game changer and leave a lasting impression on your opponents and spectators.

So if you want to take your pickleball game to the next level, add the Erne to your arsenal. Practice, hone your timing and enjoy the thrill of this shot. Remember the Erne is not just about winning points; it’s about expressing your love for the game and showing off the artistry of pickleball.

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